Proxima Super Nova
When I decided to sell the rights to my library of fonts to The Type Founders in 2021, one of the big reasons for me was the ever-growing burden of maintaining and developing that library....
When I decided to sell the rights to my library of fonts to The Type Founders in 2021, one of the big reasons for me was the ever-growing burden of maintaining and developing that library....
Last week I did a talk for Type Tuesday in Minneapolis where I did a live demo of early font editors on a real Macintosh Plus....
You might wonder: Where does a type designer like me spend his days? Do I have a fancy office in a skyscraper in downtown Saint Paul? Do I have a receptionist? An H.R. department? Interns? An espresso bar? None of that. I work by myself out of a repurposed back bedroom in a modest 1920s-era bungalow in the quiet residential Saint Paul neighborhood of Saint Anthony Park. Let me show you around...
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